The truth is
hidden in your dreams

Since Ancient times, dreams played important roles as to what and how intricate decisions were made

Your free trial is waiting, starting March 1st - March 31st for first time clients.

About Us

Why dreams are important

Dreams ignored are words left unheard. Here at Dream King LLC we believe that infinite wisdom and knowledge is encrypted into what can be called night visions or dreams. Through thorough research and meditation we provide the keys to this kingdom of insight and revelation into what your visions and dreams hold.

Our Philosophy

We have a creator; and dreams are a response to his creation. They are a voicemail from his realm into ours.

Our Vision

To never add or remove any of the meaning in our clients' dreams. For dreams are truthful and interpretations must always be faithful.

Our Mission

To empower others to understand the messages that are being transmitted while they sleep.

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Years of Experience
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Projects Done
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Expert Team
Our Process

Step-by-Step to Achieving Your Goals


Intro Call

After confirming an appointment we will be reaching out for a free 30 minute phone call consultation. This call will consist of getting to know you, answering your questions, and hearing your dream for the first time.


Study & Mindfulness

We then conduct thorough research and meditation to provide you with the highest quality service possible, ensuring that every detail is meticulously considered to meet your needs and expectations.


Dream Interpretation & Advisory

A video call with DK who will give you a full dream interpretation with insights and advisory for you within the parameter of the dream.

Reach out, unlock your dreams and transform your life

Contact us today to explore the meanings of your dreams. Working with Dream King LLC is your first step toward turning your mysteries into realities.